Wherever they serve in God’s worldwide harvest, workers in Navigators World Missions strive to reach, establish, and equip national disciplemakers who can then become the foundations of generations of Christ-followers among their family and friends—and beyond.
“We’re here to introduce God and Jesus and what He did for us to the people in our lives.…It’s definitely pouring our lives out every day. But it’s worth it. It’s one hundred percent worth it to give our lives away like this.”
Ashley, Latin America
Navigators World Missions offers a wide variety of pathways to the nations:
- short-term mission trips
- iEDGE for recent college graduates
- campus and community ministry
- business as mission, practicing a profession overseas
- missional education
- whole-life discipleship among people struggling in poverty
World Missions has designed these overseas pathways with a view toward building the foundations of many generations of disciples among the nations.