Praying Over A City: Virtual Prayer Walk

Navigators New York City Prayer Walk

The Navigators NYC team holds an annual prayer walk covering the whole length of Manhattan. This year the “walk” was virtual. Jim Luebe (Navigators NYC City Director) facilitated the time and Peter Trautmann (Navigators NYC Associate City Director) provided information on important cultural and historical points. Focused prayer time covered ministry highlights from each ministry leader along the way. Currently nineteen Navigators staff and 132 volunteers reach out to all corners of the city.

From noticing the site of the Fulton Street revival (1857), traversing diverse immigrant communities, and pausing at the Harriet Tubman memorial in Harlem, participants learned about and lifted prayers for this global city. God is at work in NYC and ministry there has a world-wide impact!

Preston, part of the Navigators 20s ministry in New York City, shares: “Getting to see a close up view of the neighborhoods in NYC where Navigators are taking the gospel, and hearing the testimonies of how Christ is transforming lives along these ‘stops’ of the prayer walk really made me realize how deep and critical the calling is to reach NYC. I realized the giant need for the gospel in the corners of darkness. I also witnessed so much fruitfulness and the opportunity for deeper and more widespread gospel-driven relationships to be formed and cultivated in NYC.”

Anthony, a recent college graduate who is new to the city, reflects: “The highlight for me was getting to hear from and see the many types of ministries in the city! Last year, I came to realize the power of group prayer. Letting my heart and words be guided by the Holy Spirit has helped me in my own prayers and in this group experience.”

Prayer Walk In Your Own City

You can organize a prayer walk in your own city or neighborhood—either virtually or in person with appropriate safeguards.

  • Share the vision with your small group, church, or other ministry organization.
  • Enlist the help of others, so you have more people to pray and to spread the effort.
  • Research important historical and cultural aspects of your city.
  • Gather prayer requests and information from those ministries that serve around your city.

Even as you prepare for the prayer walk, ask the Holy Spirit to give deeper insight into your area. What areas or segments of people are well-served? Where are there gaps and people in need of the Good News of Jesus and the love of the body of Christ? Pray for God to show you others who have a heart for prayer for your city.


  1. Please pray for an abundant outpouring of God’s love, grace and mercy on the church. Pray for the power of the Holy Spirit, for faith, freedom, healing, salvation, deliverance and restoration and revival. Pray for zeal and love for God and things of God. Pray for a greater understanding and knowledge of God and his ways. Pray Jesus come and heal our land. Pray especially for everyone who is struggling with understanding God’s will regarding sexual identity. Pray God’s spirit to redirect and align the church with his will in this area so there would be no division among believers related to this issue. Pray for God’s Holy Spirit to do what only he can do and align our wills with his. Pray for faith. Pray God reveal himself. Pray against all the lies and subtlety of the enemy. Pray to listen to God’s voice only and that the voice of the enemy be revealed and silenced in Jesus name. Pray for more workers and prayer warriors for God’s kingdom and for supernatural persistence in prayer in all these things.

  2. I’d like to know about more virtual walks, in NYC and/or in my own neighborhood, AND about methods I can be more involved other than monetary donations. I’ve been asking GOD for direction… maybe it’s here??

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