Katrin’s joy bubbled over as she described her journey of faith. Last winter, when she was unemployed and in a hard place, a friend invited her to a Zoom Bible study led by Thomas Baker (Navigators 20s). While she had a religious background, she said, “I had never really opened the Bible and read it. I would say a prayer when I needed something, but I was just repeating rituals that I learned as a kid. I hadn’t built a relationship with the Lord. At first I didn’t really know what they were talking about in the Bible study, but then I started understanding more about Jesus and faith.”
Thomas called Katrin to see how she was doing a few months after the end of the Bible study. As they talked, he explained more about new life in Jesus. She was ready and excited to start following Jesus as a disciple. Since the Bible study was with people in the San Diego area and Katrin lived in the Bay Area, Thomas checked with local Navigators to find someone to disciple Katrin.
Lei Muse was ready and willing when she was asked. “I didn’t even need to pray about it. My husband, Don (who is on Navigators staff), and I were discipled, and I knew the importance of discipleship. I was a little apprehensive since we had never met, but I trusted God to work out our relationship.”

The two women have been meeting since February and Katrin is soaking in God’s Word, praying, and reaching out to friends. She is seeing God at work, “I was laid off from my retail job during the pandemic and I started praying about a career change. Now I work for the state in the Employment Development Division. I see purpose in my job, so I can help people over the hurdles that I encountered when I was unemployed. I’m sure God was working in my life before, but I didn’t see it. Now my eyes and ears are open to all the ways He is active.”
A truly uplifting testimony. God is faithful and meets us at the point of our needs.
This sounds like it might be great for Bible study , as I don’t drive any more so getting to a Bible study is hard. I have zoom on my I pad but I have only used it for Dr. appts. And they arrange everything, I just wait for them to come on at the time allotted.So I don’t know if you have to do something to log into the Bible study.
God is awesome in all He does! Darkness is only for a short time—then the beam of the Holy Spirit sheds light.