Mapping out your spiritual family tree is a powerful experience. It’s a reminder to be grateful for those who have spiritually invested in your life: planting and watering the seeds of faith in your life. It’s also a reminder of your call to bear spiritual fruit in the lives of others by inviting them to know Christ, make Him known and help others do the sameⓇ (John 15:16).
You are a part of something bigger than yourself. There are those who introduced you to Jesus. Some helped you grow as a follower of Christ. Next is the privilege to be involved in the lives of others — passing on what you have learned. Use this spiritual family tree as a reminder of those who have played a significant role in your spiritual life.
How Spiritual Multiplication Creates Your Spiritual Family Tree
Did you know that one person who follows Jesus could have a significant spiritual impact in this world through spiritual multiplication?
But I’m only one person. This thought may have crossed your mind as you wondered what kind of spiritual impact you could have as a disciplemaker. Ponder this spiritual equation:
If you could disciple one person for a year — meeting together to study God’s Word, pray, and experience life alongside each other as you put Jesus’ teachings into practice…
Then, the next year the two of you do the same thing with two more…
And the year after that, the four of you with four more….
In 34 years, through just 34 friends you could disciple over 8 billion people (8,589,934,592)!
This is what we call a lineage of spiritual generations through spiritual multiplication.
Even the apostle Paul shared with Timothy the importance of passing on what he had learned from him — from both what Paul said and how he lived his life. “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others” 2 Timothy 2:2 (NIV).

4 Steps to Create Your Spiritual Family Tree
- Your Roots. Under “Me” in the illustration, write the names of those who introduced you to Jesus and helped you grow. If you know who influenced them, write their names down, too. Take a moment to thank God for the people who came before you in faith.
- Your Fruit. In the spaces above “Me,” write the names of people you can influence by sharing Christ or discipling them. Maybe it’s someone you’re already helping.
- Their Fruit. Connect with those you’ve invested in and ask whom they’ve gone on to help grow in Christ. Include them on the tree and pray for their perseverance in following Jesus.
- Who Else? Pray for God to reveal who else He is calling you to add to your spiritual family tree through Life-to-Life® discipleship. Ask God to bring someone into your life that you can help. “One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts” Psalm 145:4 (NIV).
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Download a print friendly PDF of the Spiritual Family Tree resource to pass along. Navigator Discipleship Tools are designed for sharing with your Bible study, church group, and those you are discipling.
Oh my I have thought about the years that has passed. Praying for individuals, inviting them to church, giving rides if they had no transportation, calling and checking to see if they are ok and needing any help. Having concerns for the people took me back in thinking of the journey I have been on for the Lord.
This has challenged me. I was so focused on the natural family tree this week which I could trace for 4 generations. I did not think about the Spiritual family tree like this, yet I have been saved for many years. I will pray for opportunities to disciple more this year to catch up for lost time.