On Mission, On Purpose, On God’s Clock

Impacting corporate America through Life-to-Life® discipleship

Trish Meyer’s life as a workplace missionary started with a lunch break.

“Opening myself to sharing lunch on a regular basis with my coworkers began it all,” Trish says. “Making our lunch gatherings a priority, and the conversations as real-life as possible, was our ‘secret sauce.’ Through our deepening relationships, I was able to pray consistently about timely things, and I was able to love coworkers more and see them through Jesus’ eyes. I realized I couldn’t imagine eternity without them, so I asked Jesus to make a way, to use me, use others, use movies, use life to show them the gospel in its true form. And He did!”

Serving with Navigators Workplace while also working a high-power executive job in Detroit, Trish has been part of the Navigators Detroit City Leadership Team and participated in an “Insider” group focused on being salt and light in the workplace. After five years of faithfully praying for a specific group of people at work—and countless lunches—one of the women from that group has embraced Jesus and committed her life to Him.

“I am in a tech leadership role, traveling both coastlines,” Trish says. “I am also a wife and a mom to three teenagers. Living my life in all its forms, in honesty, in front of those I work with, has opened the door for Christ’s truth.”

Even though most of the original lunch group eventually moved on to other companies, Trish maintained the connections.

“Conversations were getting deeper and more personal as I relayed how God was answering my prayers,” Trish says. “Several months later, while in Oklahoma visiting family, a pastor preached on John 17 and how we are to lovingly pray for those we work with. Our family smiled and knew this was a God hint to keep going and keep praying. On the car ride back to our hotel, my work friend texted me that she had invited Jesus into her heart that morning. Eight months later, she invited me to her baptism!” 

This invitation was a huge answer to prayer and a blessing for Trish!

“God is so good,” Trish says. “After five long years of praying, being intentional, loving her to the moon and back, she’s knowing Christ and will make Him known. You don’t always see the fruit growing in someone’s heart, or even their movement toward the cross. Her story brings me to tears. Her baptism meant so many answered prayers. I’m so grateful that I had the opportunity to get to know the real her and help point her to Christ.”

In a broad sense, watching Jesus draw her colleague to Himself has solidified Trish’s calling.

“This is my mission and my walk,” Trish says. “These are my people that Jesus has handpicked for my life. My life has been given to me to share with them.”

Please pray for Trish and her colleagues—especially those still on the road to Jesus. Pray for divine appointments in your own life, and for opportunities to share hope and God’s love with those who need it. 


  1. Trish, I love your persistence and authenticity in your workplace connections; your dependence on the Lord to minister to these co-workers encourages me to trust God for my unsaved friends and neighbors.

  2. Thank you for this testimony. Praying all God’s people would hunger to glorify Him today, and every day, whatever their missionary calling. Thank you for the inspiration.

  3. Prayers for you and that GOD will answer many more of your prayers—Prayers for your city and our country that many more will turn to Christ—

  4. What an encouraging article to let God use you right where you are. Thank you for your example Trish as you walked to intentionally build relationships in your workplace for the sake of the gospel. This is something everyone of us can do.

  5. Trish’s story has really moved and inspired me. There is a woman I work with that the Lord laid on my heart years ago. She is a staunch atheist and has tried to convert me many times, and many times I have wanted to just throw in the towel with planting/growing anything other than work related topics with her, but every time I get close, God sends me “a Trish” to remind me to keep at it. Thank you for sharing.

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