Practicing Prayer: The Kingdom Within

The prayer of simplicity helps us see how we are investing our lives in the Kingdom of God and all that it stands for. Consider the ways that you may be investing instead in hyper-reality. Some examples might be: putting more energy into virtual relationships than face-to-face ones; feeding your soul with spiritual sound-bites from the internet rather than quality time with God; clamoring for affirmation via social media rather than resting in the approval you already have in God; being overly fascinated with reality TV experiences or people.

Preparing Your Heart

Spend a few minutes centering your soul. Envision yourself coming home to the Kingdom of God within your own heart. Breathe deeply and quietly as you hear Jesus reminding you of these words: The Kingdom of God is within โ€ฆ Luke 17:21

Pressing In

The prayer of simplicity helps us see how we are investing our lives in the Kingdom of God and all that it stands for. Consider the ways that you may be investing instead in hyper-reality. Some examples might be: putting more energy into virtual relationships than face-to-face ones; feeding your soul with spiritual sound-bites from the internet rather than quality time with God; clamoring for affirmation via social media rather than resting in the approval you already have in God; being overly fascinated with reality TV experiences or people.

Read Romans 14:17 several times. What stands out to you here? How does Paul describe the Kingdom of God?

Sit quietly for a few minutes, pondering the phrase: righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. For the next few minutes, interact with God over this truth and its relationship to your own life. You might use questions such as the following:

  • Lord, where do I lack righteousness (the sense of being aligned with Godโ€™s purposes and values) in my life?
  • Lord, where do I lack peace in my life?
  • Lord, where do I lack joy in my life?

Looking back at your answers, prayerfully consider at least one thing you might do to simplify your life in order to experience righteousness, peace, and joy more fully. Once you feel you know, write it out in the form of an intentionโ€”include what, when, and how you plan to do this. For example: Starting tomorrow, I will pause and offer a breath prayer before checking my smartphone at least three times a day, or starting today I will limit television time so I can read and process spiritual truth.

End with a time of gratitude for Godโ€™s goodness.

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Content taken from THE SOUL AT REST, by Tricia McCary Rhodes. Copyright ยฉ 2018. Used by permission of NavPress. All rights reserved. Represented by Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.

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