Heading into the Working World — 4 Ways to Pray for Graduating Seniors

“‘How do I reach my co-workers?’ asked Dani (pictured on my back), as she contemplated how to advance the Gospel in her school. I sat across from her amazed by how much she’s spiritually matured since she was a freshman in my Bible Study a few short years ago.”

4 Ways to Pray for Graduating Seniors

“Dani is now a senior and is in the last phase of her Special Education degree: Student Teaching. She graduates in December, and though she knows her time is limited in her current school, she recognizes that she has been placed there to make an impact for Christ. THIS is one of the reasons I love giving my life away to college students! One day they will graduate and have ministry opportunities amongst their co-workers. Students, like Dani, are being trained to be disciple-making missionaries for their future jobs! Please pray for courage and opportunities for Dani to be a light for Christ in her school. Pray for the Lord to provide a job after she graduates and for Dani to be a life-long laborer for the Kingdom in her workplace and in every other context.” -Amanda Garcia, Texas A&M

I read this little blurb a few months ago now. But it stuck with me. You know why I think it stuck around when the majority of things I read are quietly forgotten? Here’s why…

I did some digging and found that, according to the National Center for Education Statistics, 1,855,000 students are projected to graduate with a bachelor’s degree in 2015 (source: https://www.naceweb.org/press/faq.aspx). Seriously. Almost 2 million!

Hundreds, if not thousands, of those students will have been deeply impacted by a Navigator ministry by the time they toss their cap in the air. Most of those will have received significant training through that ministry on how to reach out to others and help them walk with Jesus. Some of them will graduate and enter a full-time ministry position, but the majority won’t do vocational ministry after they graduate. The hope of the staff (like Amanda) and older students who have poured into them is that they would take what they’ve learned and apply it out in the workplace.

4 Ways you can Pray for Graduating Seniors

Will you – parent, student, accountant, photographer, pastor or missionary alike – join Amanda and the rest of the Navigator staff who are currently praying for the graduating students in their ministries?

  1. Pray that as God sends these shiny new grads into the world, they would continue to lean on Jesus to sustain them and then reach out to their co-workers with boldness and love.
  2. Pray that 2015 would be a year in which the graduating class of college students would let the Holy Spirit not only make ripples through them in their workplaces, but even waves – waves that sweep multitudes of individuals into His loving arms.
  3. Pray for their perseverance through the lean and difficult times, that they wouldn’t let discouraging circumstances get the better of them.
  4. Pray that the LORD would bring alongside our grads other likeminded and like-hearted individuals who would labor with them in their workplace.

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