Answered Prayer in Hard Places

There have always been plenty of kids who participate in Kids Club and teen Bible studies in the apartment complex where Bob and Claudia Adame focus their faith-based after school and summer programs with The Navigators. However, they have been praying for more volunteers with a heart for ministry to children and teens. It is a challenging environment, with drug activity, and even murders in the apartment complex.

Brandon, a mechanical engineer at a large company in Albuquerque, volunteers for the Navigator ministry and is leading the middle school group. This provides important continuity for kids who have been involved in Kids Club and need positive influence in the middle school years.

Seth, an Air Force Šofficer, volunteers to work with teens and children. Bob reflects on the importance of these men, “I’m getting older so I can’t run around with the boys and play basketball. They need to have men to connect with as role models.”

Along with the foundation of Kids Club and Bible study throughout the year, Eagle Lake Camps comes alongside the ministry to provide fun and discipleship-focused programs in the summer.

Eagle Lake On Location is a highlight of the summer for many of the kids. Last summer more than 140 kids were exposed to God’s love and the Good News of Jesus through kid-loving college students who serve as counselors. Fourteen refugee children participated in the day camp.

Two van loads of teenagers took the four hundred mile road trip to Eagle Lake Camps last summer. The 14 teens who traveled to Eagle Lake were part of regular Bible studies with the Adames all year long. The fun and focused time at camp helped these teens deepen their faith and catch a vision for discipling others. Some of the high school kids serve in the middle school ministry, influencing the next generation of kids.

Unexpected Opportunities

“We didn’t set out to minister to refugees. Our ministry with children and teens was focused on a cluster of five low-income apartment buildings and most of the families we worked with were Hispanic or Navajo. I didn’t go meet the Middle Eastern families because I thought they wouldn’t be interested due to religious differences. God prompted me to knock on a door and meet a family from a war-torn country. I didn’t know it at the time, but they had a positive connection with Christians when they were in the process of getting visas. After hospitality of tea and cookies, they agreed to let their kids come to Eagle Lake On Location. I was in shock. Other families also responded positively. Now when Claudia and I go visit families, we have to allow lots of time because they always show us such hospitality.” Bob Adame

PRAY for continued fruit among the ministry to generations of children, teens, and families in this neighborhood.

PRAISE GOD for volunteers and pray for more workers to come alongside kids.



  1. I have never met Bob and Claudia…..but was given their name by Scott Morton. We started supporting them…..and a couple of times…..called them on the phone. I hope that encourage. Because of changes in our life we are not able to support them but they remain on our heart. The “kids” they have helped are many. We lift them up in prayer because it is a privilege to be able to come alongside them. We are grateful for you Bob and Claudia.
    Marty & Cheryl Lonski

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