As You Go, Make Disciples

Life-to-Life Disciplemaking

Several years ago, I made a commitment to God to set aside time every week for disciplemaking. I’ve learned that if you make the commitment (no matter what your profession), God will work out the circumstances and bring people into your life you can impact for His Kingdom—or who may impact you in a positive way.

Three years ago, I was injured and restricted to bed rest to heal for three months. God provided numerous opportunities to share the gospel during this time, but no one to disciple. Until I met Ray*. He was my physical therapist. After sharing my testimony with Ray, he told me he had a problem.

“I wish I knew as much about the Bible as my grandchildren do,” he said.

“We can fix that,” I told him.

Several months later we began to have a Bible study in his physical therapy office. Eventually Ray discovered Matthew 28:19,20.

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age (NIV).

Ray asked, “Is Jesus saying I should be helping someone else to grow the way you are helping me?”

“Yes,” I answered.

“How do I do that?”

He developed his testimony and Ray began to share the gospel with his patients. But after several months Ray still had not found someone to disciple.

Recently, when he turned 73, he decided to retire. He told me that when he opened his office, he opened it with prayer. As he closed his office, he asked if I would close the office with prayer. He invited several friends and individuals who had made a major impact on his life. There were more than 30 people at this office closing event.

I pulled Ray aside and told him, “Someone in this room needs your help to grow as a disciple of Jesus.” That opened his eyes to the possibilities all around him.

It has been two years since Ray and I started studying the Bible together. Though officially retired, Ray still sees patients and shares the gospel with them. Ray introduced me to his four sons who are all believers. The oldest owns his own appliance repair business and is leading a weekly Bible study on the job. He is impressed by his father’s spiritual growth and wants to see the men in his study grow as spiritual leaders.

I was looking for someone to disciple and God brought Ray into my life. Now Ray is intentionally discipling others who are naturally part of his life—his family, his patients, his friends.

Lloyd Lassiter has been an active Navigator since being discipled in the Air Force in the 1970s. He has served as a consultant to the ministry in the area of ethnic diversity and engaged in Life-to-Life® disciplemaking while working as a computer consultant.

*Name changed.


  1. Thank you Lloyd. This really encourages me. From 1974 till 2009 I always had at least one person I was discipling but since being invalided back to the UK after 16 year as a missionary in France it just hasn’t happened despite prayer no to be honest the prayer has been more moan and a self questioning than a faith filled request. Your article has moved me into the later and also to be more pro active to suggest to someone that we study the Bible together.

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