Book Giveaway: Aching Joy

As part of our Facebook Live Interview with NavPress Author, Jason Hague we will be giving away two free copies of his upcoming book, Aching Joy, Following God through the Land of Unanswered Prayer. Enter the giveaway below for you chance to win a copy of his book!

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When his oldest son was diagnosed with severe autism, pastor Jason Hague found himself trapped, stuck between perpetual sadness and a lower, safer kind of hope. This is the common struggle for those of us walking through the Land of Unanswered Prayer. Life doesn’t look the way we expected, so we seek to protect ourselves from further disappointment.

But God has a third path for us, beyond sadness or resignation: the way of aching joy. Christ himself is with us here, beckoning us toward the treasures hidden in the darkness. (

If you missed the live interview, with Jason Hague, you can find the recorded version on our Facebook page. We discuss what inspired him to write this book and learn more about Jason’s journey discovering his oldest son’s diagnosis and walking in the land of unanswered prayer. We will be announcing the book giveaway winners on Tuesday, September 18. Make sure to follow us on Facebook to find out the winners!

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Read more about Aching Joy and other great titles from NavPress.


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