Bringing God into Every Situation

Prayer is to spiritual life in God as blood flow is to physical life. When we turn prayer into just a task, a meeting, or a ritual, we lose the full benefit, and also lose perspective on the implications of a prayer-less life.

Bringing God Into Every Situation | The Navigators | Doug Neunke | two women sitting at a table having a discussion

Jesus taught His disciples that prayer was an essential requisite of the Kingdom life:

Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. (Luke 18:1)

And Paul encouraged the young church at Thessalonica, writing:

Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

New birth provides us with the opportunity of a close connection with the God of the universe. Yet, many of us connect with God only on Sunday mornings, or when things are really bad—or really good. Prayer is the life-blood of our relationship with God. Amazing, isn’t it, that God chose to invite human beings, His creation, into a vital connection—24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

And the results of a prayer-less life are sure. A survey of the life of David shows us that when David prayed and sought God’s presence and guidance things went one way (see 1 Samuel 23:1, 30:6-8). But when he operated out of fear, and deceit, and didn’t seek God, things went horribly and impacted the lives of others (see 1 Samuel 21 and 27).

While I am so grateful for the special rhythms of prayer I’ve established each day early in the mornings, or before I fall asleep, I’m even more grateful for the opportunity I have to pause throughout the day, to check in and share my heart with the Lord Jesus, who says He’ll be with us always (Matthew 28:20).

Having access to God, and being men and women who pray continually, means that we too can have strength of soul because of our intimate and regular fellowship with God. Our lives can be characterized by constant communication with the God of heaven and earth. And we can be like David in the Psalms, a man who celebrated the blessings of God, but also was quick to bring his concerns, gripes, and burdens to God—His stronghold and deliverer.

In His Grip,

Doug Nuenke
U.S. President, The Navigators



  1. I am always greatly blessed by your messages. Every morning I look forward to getting alone with God, listening to what He has to say and answering my questions of how I can serve and please Him that day. Growing up I was always a Type A personality, setting my goals, and working to fulfill them–not knowing those were not things that pleased God. Little by little He has revealed Himself and His love to me, and I always consult Him for guidance and decisions. His ways are greatly better than mine. I also pray for others every day and thank Him for what He is doing in their lives. Like you, it is a blessing to be able to talk with Him all the day. Thank you for this ministry. Margaret

  2. A very good reminder not to just make prayer a habit / chore. It is a blessing to know that HE is our constant companion.. truly the only Constant … everything changes except HIM. I appreciate the reminder and consider it a confirmation of what the LORD has been imparting on my heart. Thank you for sharing. God Bless you!

  3. Our God is pauseworthy, no matter where or when the Holy Spirit prompts us, so pause to pray. Thank you for reminding me of the spiritual lifeblood I am responsible for Mr. Nuenke!

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