Burkina Faso – Breaking Down Barriers

 The Navigators

After much practice and team collaboration over the motions, we began to present “Every Move I Make.” In using the resources we had available, we played the track from the external speakers of my iPod. As it turned out, the sound was swallowed up by steel ceilings and concrete walls and so we had to improvise.

We troubleshot our difficulties by writing the words on the chalkboard, speaking the lyrics line by line, and singing the song as an example for the kids. Chaos was still the overwhelming atmosphere, even after our efforts.

The motion at the end of the chorus requires jumping up and down, which the kids had no problem understanding. Each time we arrived at that part of the song, the room roared in laughter and excitement. Joy forced itself in among these chaotic teaching attempts. And when I sat back down at my seat among some of my local friends, one said, “”Very good,” and the other, “That was wonderful.” Despite our American mess, our effort translated into a cross-cultural blessing.

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