Cultivating Community

When people ask me what makes someone a Navigator, I tell them I envision an everyday person living next door to people everywhere in such a way that the Gospel of the Kingdom of God is advanced. These normal, everyday people live in such a way that they, “Provide people with a glimpse of good living and of the living God . . .” (Philippians 2:15, MSG). Navigators engage in community. They are “there” for others—laughing and crying with them and sharing their lives.

They love people deeply. They genuinely care about the people around them. They are there for others—both those who believe and those who don’t yet believe. They share life with them through the highs and lows. They are available and involved. They reach out to the people around them because they love these people the way Jesus does.

They value relationships with others. They understand that relationships are far more important than any tools or knowledge they might impart. They live out the words of Paul: “Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well” (1 Thessalonians 2:8).

They understand how to relate to others. They’ve developed “emotional IQ.” They know how to go beyond the surface and address the real issues of life. They live in a winsome way around other people, in partnership with Jesus.

They help people help others. They help people internalize and apply biblical truth to life—and teach these people how to help others, cultivating lifelong communities.

They engage in the Body of Christ in the work of Christ. They understand that they are part of the Body of Christ and they are engaged missionally with the rest of the body to advance God’s Kingdom.

This is what leads to deep, rich fellowship with one another within the Body of Christ. May we create the kind of community that enables those around us to see Jesus among us.

Post by Doug and Pam Nuenke -

National Leadership

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