Cultivating Spiritual Generations on the Job

Every time Ken Cox was transferred to a different part of the city in his job at the New York City Housing Authority, he started a Bible study group at his new office. Eventually these groups were meeting in all five New York boroughs! 

Two male co-workers enjoy a baseball game together.
Mike Flores and Ken Cox enjoy a baseball game together, along with more than 10 years of friendship.

Yet after nearly 40 years on the job, Ken’s retirement was in sight. He sensed God leading him to build up new leaders for the flourishing Bible study network. He found one in fellow Bronx resident Mike Flores.

At the time, Ken worked in Queens, analyzing data regarding NYCHA apartment repairs. A Bible study member there told him he should meet her supervisor, Mike Flores. She had noticed Mike reading his Bible. Ken wanted to know every “serious believer” at work, and soon he introduced himself. Mike began attending the study.

Impressed with the younger man’s potential, Ken saw Mike as someone who was serious about his walk with the Lord. The two men began having lunch together once a week to study the Bible and encourage one another. They attended men’s retreats together. They had a special nickname for each other: “Man of God.” 

Early on, Ken issued Mike a challenge. “People make time for the things that are important to them. How important is the Word of God to you?” 

Mike rose to the challenge. “The more time I spent in the Bible, the more I became obedient to God’s Word,” he says. “I learned how to be a better husband and father.” 

As Mike grew spiritually, Ken encouraged him to lead the office Bible study. But Mike was not ready and avoided leading a study until God urged him to take the step of faith. He listened and obeyed. Now, years later, he is next in line to lead the network of Bible studies Ken developed. 

Ken and Mike’s friendship continues to deepen. After 10 years, they still meet over the Scriptures. 

“He’s a spiritual father to me,” Mike says. “He encourages me and gives me solid counsel, instead of what I want to hear.”

Mike is now discipling a younger man. Ken predicts, “Mike will do what I’m doing better—more efficiently, more creatively. And then there will be someone who does it better than him. That’s my legacy.”

Discipleship Tip:

Invite someone from work to join you for lunch. As you get to know this person, see if they want to read the Bible together during future lunches.

Bible Study 101

Ken challenged Mike to make time for God’s Word and it changed Mike’s life! We want Bible study to be inspiring and not overwhelming, which is why we created the free Bible Study 101 eBook. In this eBook you’ll get simple next steps to make Bible study easier and invite others to read the Bible with you.

In the Bible Study 101 eBook you’ll:

  • Receive ideas for where to begin your Bible reading 
  • Learn how you can create a Bible study habit
  • Discover how Bible study can transform your life

Click the link below to download your Bible Study 101 eBook!

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