Eagle Lake Camp Comes to Kids

Eagle Lake On Location (mobile day camp) was a perfect fit for Meridian Point Church in Peyton, Colorado. Family Pastor Monica Livingston resonated with the vision to reach and disciple kids, saying, “Our mission as a church is to get outside the walls of our church and reach people for Christ. The Eagle Lake On Location was a great outreach into the community.”

Meridian Point Church On Location involved 100 campers; 60 percent were children from the community, and 40 percent from the church. Meridian Point is excited about partnering with Eagle Lake again in the summer of 2015.

During the week of camp, Monica and the other church staff members were strategic about visiting with parents in line during check-in and pick-up. There was also follow-up communication a few weeks after camp to connect families to the church.

While the campers had great fun with all the energetic activities, the most important part of camp was the eternal impact. Three children made decisions to follow Jesus. One child did not have a church home and his family started attending Meridian Point, and the camper was later baptized.

Monica shared about the opportunity for impact. “We only have an hour or two with children in a normal week at church,” she says. “On Location provided a whole week to intentionally invest and create a memorable time for each of the kids.”

Eagle Lake On Location is staffed by college students who have a heart for children and an interest in outreach.

“The staff was amazing!” says Monica. “They were incredibly organized, with tons of energy. It was so helpful to have the program covered by Eagle Lake staff, so I could be free to connect with parents and children.”

Fun, faith, and eternal impact. Eagle Lake On Location is a great way for local churches to touch their community for Christ.

Want to host Eagle Lake On Location at your church?
Visit eaglelakecamps.com/day-camps. 

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