East Asia – A Beautiful Picture of Friendship

 The Navigators

When I look back to how I felt prior to my trip, I remember wanting absolutely nothing to do with world missions! My heart was not in East Asia, but I knew God’s was. And it was so evident to me during our first nerve-racking week on a campus in a very large town. God blessed us right away with a group of close local friends. At the beginning of our time with them, I would have never guessed that they would teach me so much about myself and the Father.

A close friend, Cherry, did not know the Father, but her heart made me fall in love with her and desire to show her Christ’s love, even if she couldn’t see it as that. When I said goodbye to Cherry, she said one thing to me that I will never forget: “You are no longer my foreign friend, you a just my friend.” What a beautiful picture of friendship this was to me! I was speechless! God had used Cherry in that simple way, to remind me that these friends we had made are people just like me. They have friends and family, struggles and joys, and they have a purpose hidden deep inside of them that I can only pray the Lord will reveal to them.

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