Every Man A Warrior — Foundational Training for Real-Life Challenges

How can lifelong discipleship be effective for men between the ages of 25 and 65? Many men are not winning the daily battles over pornography, divorce, and broken relationships with their children. They are running up credit cards encumbering themselves and their families with debt, lacking skills in spending time in the Word and prayer. Ninety percent of life energy in these years is spent on issues related to money, marriage, raising children, sex, moral purity, work, and going through hard times. To shine light on the key issues for men, Every Man A Warrior (a program in Navigators Neighbors) builds on foundational training in evangelism and discipleship and applies these principles to real-life challenges that men face in everyday life.

Every Man A Warrior — Foundational Training for Real-Life Challenges

During one Every Man A Warrior Bible study session, Gene abruptly closed his book and looked around the circle of men. He said, “I have been a complete jerk to my wife for 25 years! I am going home to beg for her forgiveness, and on Sunday I would like for you all to come up to her and see if I did it.”

After turning around his life and strengthening his marriage, Gene is now discipling a third generation of men who are living out the gospel.

Not only are men transformed when they have the biblical tools and discipleship tools to live out their faith in their daily challenges, marriages and families are strengthened as well. Jessie North (a Navigators Neighbors staff member) shares from her heart: “This ministry equipped my husband, Adam, to be the godly husband, father, and spiritual leader I needed. When he stepped into his God-given design in our home, I was freed from burdens that I was never supposed to carry. My prayers changed from cries for help to shouts of acclamation!” Praise the Lord!


  1. I’m looking for a follow on program to EMAW. We have a large number of men in our church who have been through all 3 books and several are involved in our first Book 4 class.
    Many of the men who have been through all of the first 3 books are leading different EMAW Book studies.
    My pastor has asked me to help her put together additional studies for men after EMAW. The following is her suggestion for what she is looking for:
    “1. How to study the Bible
    2. New Testament book study
    3. Old Testament book study
    4. Leadership curriculum
    5. Practical curriculum (money, Prayer, life’s challenges, etc.)
    6. Men’s activity group (these are great as first steps for unchurched or less “churched” guys)

    *Curriculum might vary but it can all be labeled on our menu as Men’s Discipleship Track or Path. I have found some solid stuff on RightNow Media which would make leading the groups very accessible. We are not limited to Right Now Media content, either. ”
    Item 4 I think in part is covered by the first 3 EMAW books but a more in depth study of Christian Leadership could certainly be added.

    We are trying to reach a broader male audience and I certainly think that item 6 could be done as a way to get new believers ready to take the EMAW curriculum.

    Thank you for your help,

    Dave Johnson

  2. I am looking for a discipleship manual to lead other men to be the best husbands they can be to their wives and the best father they can be to their kids.

  3. After graduation from college or the military, many men struggle. Life becomes about money, marriage, raising children, sex, work and hard times. Most men have never studied the Bible on these issues. Every Man a Warrior hits these issue head on and prepares men to then succeed in life as they know what the Scripture says about each of these issues.

    When a man has answers for how to “make life work” he will soon have a ministry because men everywhere are struggling with the same issues.

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