Field Notes – Australia

Family Discipleship

My wife, Lindsey, and I met L, an East Asian graduate student, on Market Day as a flood of students passed our stall. So laden with freebies from other stalls that he could hardly hold the pen, L signed up for information about our organization.

Lindsey called him the following day, inviting him to a game night. “Hi, L, this is Lindsey with The Navigators—a Christian group on campus. You signed up for more information.”

“Uh, I’m sorry,” he said in broken English, “I signed up with too many, ha ha, I don’t remember which group you are.”

“We were the ones with the baby,” Lindsey said, referring to our son Ron.

“Oh, yes—the cute little baby! I remember you!”

When L came to the game night he was friendly but quiet. He especially enjoyed seeing Ron again but confided in me as I drove him home that he struggled to keep up with the conversations. He was a new believer, full of questions about what true followers of Jesus should be like and yet wary of counterfeits.

L immediately committed to coming to gatherings at our place on Monday nights and to meeting one-to-one with me. He also attends church with us and comes for lunch after church.

Last week he told us that he spends more time interacting with our family than anyone else. I realized this interaction is even more powerful than my carefully written talks or our one-to-one studies.

Babies and actions don’t have to be translated. As he interacts with our family, I hope he can get a clearer picture of what it looks like to be in God’s family.

L is praying that God would give him strength and courage to build relationships as a follower of Jesus. Would you join in that prayer?

Learn more about Navigators World Missions.

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