God Answering Prayers on Campus

Every once in a while, I find myself wondering if my prayers really make a difference. My logical mind knows that they do; Scripture makes that clear. But my heart can get discouraged and forget that God listens and responds faithfully to my prayers, whether or not it’s in the way I was hoping He would answer.

God Answering Prayers on Campus

Sometimes, though, He does respond to our prayers in the way we hope He will. And it’s always encouraging when He does! The following are stories of God answering prayer on campuses around the US…Give them a read and get ready to be encouraged.

“Adjusting to college has been difficult. I came to Cincinnati…excited at first, but quickly became discouraged and scared. All the big expectations I had for my social life, my studies, and my faith were shot down the first few weeks. I was frustrated with my faith and my inability to move it forward. One night I prayed that God would help me – that He would show me some opportunity I wasn’t seeing. Not five minutes later, I heard a knock on my dorm room door. Two guys stood in the doorway: Ben Linnabary and Charly Sommers.

They explained they were a part of the UC Navigators and invited me to a Bible study in my dorm that night. I had nowhere to be and inside I was ecstatic about how God had answered my prayer. That was my first-ever small group Bible study.

I don’t think it was coincidence that Charly and Ben knocked on my door that evening. Since then, I’ve gotten to know many of the amazing people involved with Navs (the group is pictured above). They continue to inspire me every day and show me God’s grace. Someone I got to know through small group is Jacob, with whom I started meeting up one-on-one. We discuss Scripture, the small-group topics, or just talk about the stuff that’s going on in our lives. I’m incredibly thankful for all that Jacob has done for me, and I’m even more thankful for the close friend and role model he’s become in my life.

There’s something about the community, relationships, and spiritual fellowship within UC Navs that inspires me to go out and serve God. I couldn’t be more thankful.”
– Luke Swanson via Charly Sommers, Ohio

“This March I asked God for a chance to read the Bible with non-Christians and invited some to a discussion. None came. That very day, I was eating with Sam, a phD student I’d met last fall. Sam casually said, “Did I tell you I started reading Matthew?” My eyes widened. I asked, “How far have you got?” He said, “Chapter 20.” Sam said he would like to have a “study companion” to get more out of Matthew. I thought, “Are you kidding me?” and asked, “When is a good time for you?” This Thursday after we read Matthew 25, Sam shared many deep questions he wrestles with. Please pray for Sam to know Christ and the power of His resurrection.”
– Robert Mumme, Texas

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