Good News for a Struggling City (Special Detroit Edition)

The economic and social woes of Detroit are well documented. The good news is that the Gospel travels well and powerfully in desperate times and desperate places. God is working in the city of Detroit and The Navigators is part of His plan for the city.

We want to raise up an army of next generation Kingdom laborers, particularly young African Americans, as the population within the city limits is 85 percent African American. The alternative is that our ministry will be a “Big White Donut” with the city in the middle. We are seeing slow but intentional progress in this shift, with our Collegiate ministry at Wayne State and in our new model for workplace ministry.

… lost two-thirds of its population and 80 percent of its tax base and wealth in the past 50 years. Detroit NavCity ministry has a unique opportunity to share the Gospel with this city in need of hope.
… is the poorest major city in the United States, yet it is also the most generous. The per capita percentage of income given to charity is higher than anywhere else.

“Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity.”     – 2 Corinthians 8:2

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