Helping One Help Another

The Navigators long to help students not only know Christ, but also to help them help others find and follow Him.


Melissa is a student leader with the Navigator ministry at California State University-Long Beach. Navigator EDGE Corps staff Alicia Garcia has enjoyed personally discipling Melissa each week for the past 18 months. God has used this as a catalyst to spur Melissa on in her spiritual growth and transformation.

Alicia also encourages and trains Melissa to reach out to her peers with the gospel. In a big step of faith, Melissa has studied the Scriptures with Linda and other student friends this semester. During their Bible study recently, sitting in the middle of their dorm common room, Melissa and Linda read from John 6. โ€œFor my Fatherโ€™s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in Him shall have eternal life.โ€When asked what she thought of the passage, Linda answered, โ€œOh, I think it is true.โ€

So, Melissa explained to Linda what accepting Jesus as Savior means. Linda desired to do this, so they prayed and Linda put her trust in the Savior!

โ€œThe whole rest of the day,โ€ Melissa said, โ€œI was ecstatic about Linda. I could not sit still in class!โ€

Melissa adds, โ€œI am so grateful for Alicia too. She has personally helped and invested in me spiritually and itโ€™s had a huge influence on my walk with Christ. God has taught me that He wants to be my everything, just like we are His. And to also have the opportunity to help Linda in the same way Alicia has helped me, that is incredible!โ€

โ€œI cannot think of anything else I want to do with my life than serve God in all that I do and give Him the glory He deserves.โ€

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