Talking to others about faith is something that Mike*, a detective with a police department, thought he would never do.
Art Allen, The Navigators Military and First Responder Southeast Division Director, first met Mike through an Army friend who was part of The Navigators Military Ministry over 20 years ago. At the time, Mike was a detective with a local police department. One day, Mike and Art met for lunch, and Art explained the Great Commission and how God could use Mike to spread the gospel.
However, Mike was hesitant. After Art showed Mike the potential of reaching other first responders in his agency with the gospel and discipleship, Mike declared, “I am not the kind of guy who would be willing to talk to others about spiritual conversations!”
Art understood his reluctance because, like many other Christians, Mike didn’t have the confidence to approach others, often unsure what to say or share. Mike was mostly interested in discipleship for his own growth, to strengthen the foundation of his faith. Meeting Mike where he was in his spiritual journey, Art decided to walk Mike through the NavPress Growing in Christ study together.
That same day, the two men worked to draft Mike’s personal salvation testimony, and Art walked him through explaining what hope in Christ is by drawing out The Bridge to Life Illustration on a napkin. As they were leaving, Mike asked if he could have the illustration and joyfully took it with him.
From Detective to Disciplemaker
Back at the agency, Mike pinned the napkin with The Bridge onto the wall of his cubicle. A short while later, a fellow officer and former Marine found Mike and shared a life issue he was struggling with. Mike explained to this officer that he was currently meeting with someone who was helping him understand that Christ is the true source of all we need.
Step-by-step, Mike walked his colleague through the drawing on the napkin so that he could connect with Jesus. Although Mike had said he wouldn’t engage others in spiritual conversations, he did just that — armed with a tool and confidence in what he had learned.
When the opportunity came, he was ready.
Art and Mike met again two weeks later, and Mike was anxious to share about his experience. Art and Mike continued to go chapter-by-chapter through Growing in Christ. Art asked him, “When you take another person through this study, what do you want them to get from it?” Art wanted Mike to think about how he could shift his mindset from being discipled to helping others grow in their faith.
The next time the two men met up, Mike had another development. He had met a Texas Ranger who he thought Art could also disciple, saying, “I got another guy for you.” Though Art considered the possibility of mentoring this new arrival, he realized that this was a “Dawson moment” — a chance to pass the baton and encourage Mike to take up the mantle of discipleship himself.
Turning to Mike, Art reminded him that this was his opportunity to minister to those in his agency and engage the Great Commission like they had discussed the very first time they met up. Mike asked if Art thought he was ready, and Art encouraged him to give it a try.
After only a few weeks of intentional discipleship, the man who said he wouldn’t engage others about faith is now helping another young Christian grow in his.
Becoming bold for Christ
Making disciples as commanded by Jesus often seems like a daunting task; however, with foundational equipping, faith, and a touch of boldness, anyone can be on the way to generational ministry, reaching the world with the hope of Christ. As Mike is faithful to use the tools he has been equipped with, accompanied by a little boldness, the eternal impact on his agency, his family, and friends will be significant.
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV).
*Name changed for privacy.
Discipleship Tip:
Through being discipled by Art, Mike gained the confidence to disciple others around him. Consider — what may be keeping you back from being bold with your faith? If you feel unsure about discipling another person, consider asking a trusted mentor to guide you, helping you practice sharing your faith with others and having discipleship conversations.
The Basics of Discipleship
Are you unsure of what it looks like to share your faith with others? For Mike, it took having a mentor and learning more about what discipleship was in order to feel confident discipling others. You can similarly learn more about discipleship and how you can grow in your confidence by checking out The Basics of Discipleship page, where you can discover resources to guide you on your journey.
This is a wonderful post. I am in a job now where I share my faith with others. I ask that you pray for me as I walk the path with God. Pray that I will be more confident in myself facing the everyday struggles of life.