Love Transformed My Heart

Allie says, โ€œGod used a spiritually deep and zestful young Navigator, Susan, to radically change my life. I went from drug and alcohol-saturated death into vibrant freedom and abundant life. Susanโ€™s tireless pursuit of Christ and her tireless pursuit of me when I was a college student ultimately led me toward confronting my long-concealed fears of being known by God and others. Susanโ€™s unyielding love helped transform my heart!โ€

Love Transformed My Heart Susan demonstrates what The Navigators are all aboutโ€”helping students like Allie discover the good news of Jesus Christ. But it doesnโ€™t stop there. Susan also personally discipled Allie to grow deeper in her relationship with Christ, just as 2 Timothy 2:2 teaches, โ€œAnd the things which you have heard from me . . . these entrust to faithful men [and women] who will be able to teach others also.โ€

Eventually, Allie desired to help other women in a similar way. God led her to serve with The Navigatorsโ€™ EDGE Corps (Evangelism, Discipleship, Growth, Experience) at New York University. Allie adds, โ€œI lead a Bible study that started as five freshmen and is now sixteen juniors. They want to tackle the issue of biblical sexuality and relationships because of the struggles and challenges of living in an over-sexualized and relationally-broken world. Also, more than half of them have begun leading freshmen Bible studies and spiritual interest groups!โ€

Praise God for His gracious work in these lives as more students are being taught about Christ who will teach others [about Him] also.

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