The Importance of Community in College
The Navigators Collegiate ministry comes alongside new college students to welcome them into a trusted, authentic, and healthy community.… Continue Reading

Living Out the Power of Reconciliation
Croatian Christians are dedicated to sharing the truth in Scripture & Christ's love with the Roma, a marginalized ethnic minority in Europe.… Continue Reading

From Misconceptions to the Real Jesus: Do Christians Think the Earth Is Flat?
When Ethen scheduled lunch with Mark, a student on campus, he was excited to see how the Spirit would use this conversation to change lives.… Continue Reading

Every Man A Warrior — Foundational Training for Real-Life Challenges
How can lifelong discipleship be effective for men who are struggling to win daily battles and turn them into warriors for their families?… Continue Reading

Meeting Jesus for the First Time
Reading the Bible changed Kioka’s view of Jesus — I’m walking alongside her, praying for her to learn more about Jesus’ love for … Continue Reading

Change from the Inside Out
Law-based Christianity alienates us from the relational help we need most—the Spirit will produce in us the righteousness for which we … Continue Reading

Following Jesus and Paul in the Workplace
In Atlanta, Navigators are ministering to many young adults who are transitioning from college to career through the Inside Atlanta program.… Continue Reading

Discouragement and Hope in Disciplemaking — Harvest Episode 05
All disciplemakers will inevitably enter into times of discouragement. In those moments can we trust that God is still at work?… Continue Reading

Running the Race Together
The Detroit NavCity team is committed to working with The Navigators ministries to provide training for disciples in cities across the US.… Continue Reading

Helping Others Grow In Christ
Students at KSU are being challenged to help others to grow in Christ through reading the Bible, praying, and doing everyday life together.… Continue Reading