Blog: Navigators 20s

three people reading Bibles

Nav20s Happy Hour Remix

One Navigator’s quest to connect with young adults in Minnesota ended up answering a prayer for a 22-year-old living in the Twin Cities. … Continue Reading
Finding Community with Nav20s

Finding Community with Nav20s

Would you like to be part of a group of like-hearted peers encouraging one another in their pursuit of Christ, work, mission, and community?… Continue Reading
three people reading Bibles

Atlanta: Five Contexts, One Goal

When the Atlanta Navs launched Collegiate Navs and Nav20s ministries two years ago, there was one goal: spiritual generations. Today, with … Continue Reading
three people reading Bibles

Inside Atlanta Summer Program

Before Sam Roberts became an intern with Atlanta’s Summer Training Program, Inside Atlanta, he thought of vocation in two distinct … Continue Reading
three people reading Bibles

Bringing God to Board Game Night

After years of saying little more than a polite hello in passing, John knew it was time to get to know his neighbors, but he needed a way to… Continue Reading