As You Go, Make Disciples
Perhaps no segment of American society is “on the go” as much as the individuals in our military. That’s why you’ll find 400 … Continue Reading
The Vietnam Vet, the Cop, and the Atheist
Have you ever researched your family tree? There’s a peculiar excitement in discovering your distant relative was a courier in the Civil … Continue Reading
Ten Ways to Encourage a Brother or Sister in Christ
It is crucial that we encourage our brothers and sisters in our small groups, where we "live together with Him." Here are some specific ways… Continue Reading
The Whispering Marine, Bob Boardman, Promoted to Glory
Bob Boardman, long-time Navigator missionary and statesman, went to be with the Lord on September 19, 2009. He was 85. Bob was born February… Continue Reading
No Greater Love
Lindy Wiseman No Greater Love In Rome AD 269, Emperor Claudius banned marriage because the married men in his kingdom refused to sign up … Continue Reading
Musings on Philip
Pam Darnell Honestly, I was afraid I would never see Philip alive again when we said good-bye to him on that hot day last August. You see,… Continue Reading
Mothers, Mentors, and the Military
Jeanean is ministering and mentoring life-on-life to the other military wives. The Navigators Military Laborers Network considers her a … Continue Reading
Filling the Gap on Eielson Air Force Base
Although he retired two years ago, Fred has chosen to remain and serve in North Pole, Alaska, near Eielson Air Force Base where he was … Continue Reading
A Disciple in Navy Blue
The world is looking for someone to love them, be a safe place for them to be themselves, and for someone who will walk with them toward … Continue Reading
A Typical, Not So Average American
Born in Alexandria, Egypt, Hassar is a well-educated man in his mid-forties. Yesterday, he became our unit's interpreter in Iraq.… Continue Reading