Blog: Navigators Military

three people reading Bibles

The Bond of Brothers and Sisters

The intensity and pressure of college is even higher at a military academy—but there are also opportunities to become like brothers and … Continue Reading
three people reading Bibles

Carpe Diem

Deployment Opportunities Life will often throw us dangerous situations that can turn everything upside down. I grew up in a Christian home, … Continue Reading
three people reading Bibles

Band of Brothers

Become Brothers in Christ “John started asking questions about my faith and what was important in my life. I had the opportunity to share … Continue Reading
three people reading Bibles

Real Transformation

The Gospel vs. Programs Discipleship changes everything. On U.S. military installations all over the world we see broken military personnel … Continue Reading
three people reading Bibles

Noted – Navs Military

As Marines move on to their next assignments, the results of time invested in discipleship become clear. Read more about discipleship … Continue Reading
three people reading Bibles

Just Ask and Tell

At our spring Navigators retreat, I was struck by how I am sometimes selective in who I share with—I asked God to allow me to be used by … Continue Reading
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