Blog: Navigators Workplace

Trajectory of a Disciple | The Navigators Collegiate Ministry | Spenser & Ted

Trajectory of a Disciple

Ted and Spenser met at Navigators Bible study in college. Now their lives have a new trajectory but are still focused on growing in Christ.… Continue Reading
Woman holding cell phone

More Ministry is the New Normal

For Karen Warin, COVID-19 may have seemed at first to be disabling restriction but has become a launching pad for creativity and holy invest… Continue Reading

As You Go, Make Disciples

Lloyd was injured, restricted to bed rest, and God provided an opportunity for Life-to-Life discipleship with Ray, his physical therapist.… Continue Reading
redfining evangelism Disciple! Doug Nuenke The Navigators

Redefining Evangelism

Doug Nuenke shares his advice and encouragement in light of recent research about how adults respond to evangelism.… Continue Reading