Blog: Navigators World Missions

three people reading Bibles

Argentina – Kids ‘n’ Teens

 The Navigators Recently, we’ve been able to re-connect with an orphanage about five minutes from our house. The kids are starting to … Continue Reading
three people reading Bibles

Kenya – Waterers of the Word

 The Navigators In Kenya, approximately 80% of people are professing Christians. While there this summer, we were discussing how difficult … Continue Reading
three people reading Bibles

Argentina – Soccer and Maté

 The Navigators Training with a women’s professional soccer team in La Plata was one of my favorite memories in Argentina. I play soccer … Continue Reading
three people reading Bibles

Congo – Sight for the Blind

 The Navigators Each day, our team sets up a consultation center outside a rundown but still operational hospital and gives free eye exams.… Continue Reading