Mutua Mahiaini Selected as International President

Kenyan Navigator Mutua Mahiaini has been selected as the next international president and general director of The Navigators. The unanimous decision followed three days of prayerful deliberations by a selection council made up of 40 men and women representing each region of The Navigators worldwide work. The Kenyan and U.S. Navigator boards subsequently confirmed the decision.

Mutua will take office April 18 with a formal commissioning ceremony at The Navigators Glen Eyrie Conference Center in Colorado Springs.

Current international president Mike Treneer says, โ€œEveryone recognized that Mutuaโ€™s depth in the Word and prayer, his faith and courage, his demonstrated ability to build strong teams and develop leaders, his commitment to our Navigator core beliefs, and his gifting to lead from the Scriptures, make him highly qualified for this role. His extensive experience and ability in functioning cross-culturally are important assets for serving in this international role.โ€

In a letter to The Navigators staff, Treneer continued, โ€œIt is difficult to convey the remarkable presence of God in the midst of our council. God clearly guided our thinking and dialogue. He gave us an overarching sense of encouragement as we reflected on what God has done in The Navigators and will do in the future. I came away with great joy and confidence, seeing again the humility and godliness of our international leaders, who walk in dependence on the Lord and His Word.โ€

Mutua and his wife, Stephanie, step into this leadership role with broad and varied experiences in Navigator ministry.

After earning a masterโ€™s degree at a university in France, Mutua joined Kenya Navigator staff in 1981.
In the early 1980s, Mutua and Stephanie led a fruitful campus ministry at Kenyatta University in Nairobi, Kenya.
In 1986, Mutua became the Kenya country leader, taking over from American missionary Bruce Van Wyk.
In 1994, Mutua and Stephanie moved to Abidjan, Cรดte dโ€™Ivoire, to help oversee the pioneering of Navigator ministries throughout French-speaking West Africa.
In 1998, the leaders of The Navigators African work chose Mutua to lead the Africa Region.
In 2011, Mutua transitioned the Africa leadership to Nigerian Bulus Bossan. Then Mutua and Stephanie moved to Colorado Springs, Colorado, to join the International Executive Team.
In the last few years, Mutua and Stephanie have traveled extensively and ministered widely, building relationships of trust around The Navigators Worldwide Partnership.

Treneer added, โ€œI commend Mutua and Stephanie to your prayers as they prepare for this new role and phase of life. First Samuel 16:13 records the anointing of David: โ€˜So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and from that day on the Spirit of the LORD came powerfully upon Davidโ€™ (NIV). We trust the Lord will similarly anoint Mutua and Stephanie as they lead our Navigator family.โ€

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  1. Just joining Navigators as learnt about them from a book am reading Daily Devotions by Charles Swindoll on topic about memorizing scriptures and recommends about your programs. But am from Kenya and amazed to learn that a Kenyan is leading this noble organization! My prayers.

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