Namibia – Location, Location, Location

 The Navigators

On a trip to Etosha National Park, our team drove across wide open plains, through thick forests, and past dried up lakebeds. We saw elephants, springbok, and giraffes on our drive. Just feet from our vehicles, we could almost reach out and touch a small herd of zebra that had wandered from the hundreds that were gathered at a nearby watering hole. Everywhere I looked, all I could see was pure African landscape. It’s what I’d always imagined; the Circle-of-Life-Africa that I’d dreamed about. I endured many moments of pause as God wow-ed me with the beauty of creation on our trip.

The Africa of Etosha disappeared in the rearview mirror as our team returned to Windhoek, the capital city of Namibia. Our team lives in a large, comfortable home in one of the nicest neighborhoods in Windhoek. Most of our work is on two striking and modern-styled university campuses that mirror many urban-academic atmospheres in the States. It just doesn’t fit with my romanticized view of what it’s like to do mission work in Africa.

As we develop relationships with the students here, I’m finding that sharing Christ in Africa doesn’t need to be all about living in huts, getting dirty, and journeying out into villages where no one speaks English. God will use the resources that we have and touch hearts in the breathtaking wilds of the bush as much as in the beautiful, busy city.

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