Navs Military Ministry at Camp Pendleton

Many of the 800-1,000 Marine recruits who regularly attend the weekly chapel ask for prayer for their training, personal struggles, and family concerns. For many, it is their first time away from home.

At Camp Pendleton, the Navs Military ministry focuses on prayer support to give recruits hope and encouragement during the challenges of boot camp. The team also leads biblical education classes on topics such as starting a relationship with Jesus Christ, discipleship, marriage and growing deeper as a godly Marine.

In addition there are classes designed to disciple and challenge Marines who are further along in their walk with the Lord on topics such as: being a catalyst for Christ; biblical studies, servant leadership, leaving a legacy; emotional wounds and healing prayer.

Every week, there are scores of recruits who turn their lives over to Jesus and begin to live for Him. One Marine who recently completed boot camp shared, “I see the impact of the Navs Military ministry on the lives of the young recruits. God is truly at work.”

Seeing hundreds of recruits link arms, worship God, kneel in prayer, and support each other are highlights of what God is doing on the training ground for an eternal calling.

65 volunteers pray with and disciple Marine recruits at Edson Range Chapel, Camp Pendleton, California.

Over 800 service men regularly attend the weekly chapel.


  1. Dear Gene and Marilyn,
    Our Grandson, Willam ( Grant) Fletcher is a new Marine stationed at Camp Pendleton.
    As a grandparent ( parents too) we are praying that our Grant will connect with a Godly family and Bible based group as well as find a good church to worship in.

    He has been raised ina Christian home and churched since birth. He had given his heart to the Lord and recently re dedicated his life.
    He has been through some rough waters already for he is a young 19 year old.
    He is a great kid. Always wanted to serve in the Marines.

    This is his first time EVER being away from home. So naturally as a grandparent, and speaking for his wonderful parents as well, we want for him to have opportunity to be trained not only physically, emotionally, but most importantly spiritually.

    He arrived yesterday 1/22/2019 st Camp Pendleton and as of today I’m not sure where his barracks are or anything.

    If you can help connect with him we would appreciate it.
    If you cannot could you connect us with an organization who can.

    We trust the Lord and know He is watching over him. And that All things do work together for good for those who love and serve Him.

    Thank you for listening I hope to hear back from you.

    His name is William ( Grant) Fletcher. We call him Grant. But military probably calls him William. Or Fletcher. 😊 He’s 19.

    Blessings to you as you serve our wonderful troops.

    Mary Fletcher. Grandma ( Mimi)

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