New Navs – Taylor and Christy Scott

Editor: Why did you decide to come on staff with The Navigators?
Taylor: We were drawn to The Navigators because of Navigators who invested in us when we were in college. It really influenced us both personally and spiritually, and is why we felt called to serve.

Christy and I grew up in Kansas, but really believed God was calling us to leave our roots and go where He needed us to serve—in Miami University, Ohio.

Editor: What are you nervous about in your new role?
Taylor: This last year, God called us to step out in faith and move to a new place—Ohio.

We have now been there one year and the hardest part of this journey was leaving family and those who we were ministering to at the Kansas campus ministry. We only knew two people in Ohio.

But, if we listened to our fear, we would stay where it was comfortable.

We decided together we were ready to take this step of faith.

Editor: What are you most excited about what God is doing on campus in Ohio?
Taylor: At the beginning of the year, I led a small group of freshmen, teaching them about outreach and evangelism. And one of the students prayed, “Thank you God for other Christians who challenge me in my faith.” I was honored to be that other Christian. We are already able to see the direct result of God bringing us to Ohio.

Christy: This year we were new to the Miami University campus and we were able to bond with the new freshmen who were also new to the campus. This common ground opened a door to have a good relationship with this group of freshmen. One of the girls shared with me at the end of the first year, “I have grown more spiritually this semester than I have the rest of my life.”

Editor: How can donors be praying for you and your family this next year?
Taylor: Please pray that God would raise up students who would take the Gospel they have heard and share it with others in need around them.

Also, pray that we would be fully funded, so we can do the ministry God called us to do. Pray for ministry partners to come alongside us as monthly donors and partner with what God is doing on the campus of Miami University .

Editor: What is one story about God working on campus?
Taylor: The Navigators were invited to an inter-faith round table discussion on campus. I was able to attend and meet others who believed differently. I introduced myself to another person named Wrik, who was Hindu, and he asked me if I knew about Hinduism. We agreed to meet weekly and share with each other about Hinduism and Christianity. We are reading through the Bible together in the Gospel of John I am really excited to read more about Jesus with him.”

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