New Navs – Andrew and Sarah Duran

At our school, we are seeing the generations of ministry impact. Right now upperclassmen lead freshman Bible studies in all the freshman dorms, which is something we were praying for specifically.

Q: How did you get involved with The Navigators?
Andrew: On the second day of my freshman year of college I got a phone call from the staff member on my campus (University of Florida). I didn’t really think about how he got my name, but I connected with The Navigators and started getting serious about following Jesus. Later I learned that my parents were friends with a Navigator staff member at another college and had asked that a staff member contact me.

Sarah: I wasn’t really following God my freshman year of college. By my sophomore year I decided I wanted to actually grow in my faith. I tried out several campus ministries and connected with a Navigator staff member who seemed to genuinely care about me as a person.

Andrew: As we both got more serious about our faith, we understood the impact that an individual relationship can have on spiritual growth. The Navigator staff members who shared life with us had a tremendous influence on our growth.

We were dating, and as we considered our life direction for after college we realized that we wanted to give our lives to making an impact on people. So in the same year we graduated from college, got married, and started an internship program called EDGE Corps with The Navigators.

Q: What do you see God doing on your campus now?
Andrew: At our school, The Navigators have been on campus for five years. The ministry has grown over that time and we are now seeing the generations of impact. Right now upperclassmen lead freshman Bible studies in all the freshman dorms, which is something we were praying for specifically.

Q: Does any particular student story stand out in your ministry?
Sarah: Colleen was a self-proclaimed atheist, but she kept asking her friend Hannah questions about life. She wanted to know why Hannah wasn’t as stressed as everyone else. Hannah was able to share her faith in a natural way. Hannah introduced me to Colleen and we went to lunch together. Our friendship developed and we started reading the Bible together. Eventually, Colleen came to faith in Jesus.

Today, she is a completely changed person. She used to hate people who talked about faith, and now she is intentional and excited about sharing her faith in Jesus. This is the first time we have seen a student go full circle so quickly.

Q: How can people be praying for your ministry?
Sarah: Pray that the students would experience Jesus deeply and this would change their identity, friendships, and heart for people. Also pray that students would catch the vision of giving their lives away, being committed to helping others know Jesus, and teaching them to do the same.
Andrew: This semester we hope each of the 120 students involved with us will read the Bible with one of their non-believing friends.
For more information about the Durans’ ministry, visit the Duran staff page.

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