Navigators Blog

We hope these stories of Life-to-Life® Discipleship in action will inspire you to embrace God’s call to go and make disciples of all nations.

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  • Woman holding cell phone

    More Ministry is the New Normal

    For Karen Warin, COVID-19 may have seemed at first to be disabling restriction but has become a launching pad for creativity and holy invest… Continue Reading
    Soldier wearing camouflage clothes and military boots holding a Bible

    True Life in Christ

    When Brent joined a Navigators Bible study on my Air Force base, he thought that he'd show the other participants how much I knew. What he … Continue Reading
    A Glorious Moment | married woman with hands folded over a Bible

    A Glorious Moment

    Samy and Eman Awad are embracing pandemic ministry, watching with joy as God removes barriers and heals hearts.… Continue Reading
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