Navigators Blog

We hope these stories of Life-to-Life® Discipleship in action will inspire you to embrace God’s call to go and make disciples of all nations.

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  • Refuge for the Widow's Heart

    Refuge for the Widow’s Heart

    Since her husband’s passing, Judy has been coming alongside other widows as part of her ministry work in Navigator Church Ministries.… Continue Reading
    Friend of Sinners

    Friend of Sinners

    So I ask myself, “Am I a friend of sinners? Or am I functioning more like a ‘Rescuer of Sinners’ or ‘Stealthy Gospel Deliverer to … Continue Reading
    Into the Nations

    Into the Nations

    Following Jesus’ life and pattern in ministry has taught me how a laborer is to advance the Gospel into the nations.… Continue Reading
    three people reading Bibles

    UC Navs Filling the Stadium

    Hands-on emphasis empowers student UC Navs to believe that they can grow and be used by God to inspire other students at the University of … Continue Reading
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