Navigators Blog

We hope these stories of Life-to-Life® Discipleship in action will inspire you to embrace God’s call to go and make disciples of all nations.

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  • three people reading Bibles

    The Guilt of Christmas Past

    It was a chilly evening in December. The air frosted the back of my neck. My husband pulled groceries from the car and glanced at the … Continue Reading
    three people reading Bibles

    Cokes, Car Washes, & Good News

    It was the Friday evening before Labor Day, and rush hour traffic was backed up for nearly a mile at the corner by our Cincinnati church. … Continue Reading
    three people reading Bibles

    Central Asia – For All People

     The Navigators “I’m sorry, the number you have dialed is not in service.” Hearing this message for the third time, I sighed with … Continue Reading
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