Prayers for Strength: Lifesaving Truths from God

I suppose we all have those times when life seems to be full of crisis, challenge, or conflict. During one difficult season, facing what some have called a “dark night of the soul,” I lay awake repeatedly crying out to God. My prayers were rooted in what He had said in the past. God provided help in that season, and continues to do so. His grace sustains us with timely promises and answers to prayer.

31 Days of Prayer | The Navigators Evangelism Resources | hands on a windowsill, clasped hands praying on an open bible

One praying activity that has been a foundation for many Christians as they have pressed into God’s presence over the centuries is attention to the promises He makes in the Scriptures. The list of men and women of faith who believed that God’s promises were for them is long and noteworthy. Some of the names you might recognize are Martin Luther, Hudson Taylor, Amy Carmichael, J. O. Fraser, D. L. Moody, Elisabeth Elliot, and the founder of The Navigators, Dawson Trotman.

God’s Word is filled with His promises to His people and to each of His followers who put their trust in Him. Peter speaks of the power and blessing the promises are to those of us in Christ:

His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires. (2 Peter 1:3,4)

Here are a few of the specific lifesaving truths from God that have carried my wife, Pam, and me through difficult seasons:

  • I am your strength. (Psalm 18:1,2)
  • I am with you and delight and rejoice in you. (Zephaniah 3:17)
  • I walk with you through the challenges. (Isaiah 41:13)

To become a person of influence for God’s Kingdom we must first become people who know God and spend time with Him. And as we appeal to God for help, guidance, and protection, we learn more about Him and about ourselves. We can also remind Him of the promises He has made in His Word. As we walk with Him in prayer, we come to know Him more deeply, and the refreshing, abundant life He gives us overflows to others.


  1. Another great resource is Navigator Tom Yeakley’s book, Praying Over God’s Promises – the Lost Art of Taking Him at His Word”. Cindy and I just finished reading it together. It is awesome.


  2. So true and inspiring because we all have our moments, whether we admit it or not, that we wonder if God is with us in whatever situation at the time, and these words here are just such a large inspiration to us all. Thank you so much for writing this and God bless!!!

  3. Thank you for your post. I needed that verse this morning. Sometimes the struggle during the wee small hours of the morning can be overwhelming! I too quote scriptures, claim God’s promises, and worship him! He is indeed my stronghold and my high tower in whom I take my refuge – whether it is against the attacks of the enemy, or my own thoughts!

  4. Pray that God’s people will daily lift our President and His administration up in prayer for protection, wisdom, health etc. to meet the demands of each day in 2019. Prayer is the powerful force God has given us to meet the Enemy headon. If we are a praying force, just imagine the victories to come! Let’s all PRAY!

  5. My comment might be too negative, long-winded, and foolish to place here. In short, I grew up with television. Television filled some of the void in my life that my father would not, or could not fill. Even my coming to Christ was influenced by the media: by the televised Billy Graham Crusades in the 1950’s and ’60’s, and by good radio preachers I listened to as a boy, and have listened to during my adult life, such as Alistair Begg. The Philadelphia Eages “miraculously” made the NFL Playoffs this year, and we saw it on television!

    But God’s kingdom and HIs grace are especially for His church (Eph. 1:15-23, 3:8-21. Ps. 73).

  6. Thank you for your encouragement and the GREAT reminder of WHO we need to keep our eyes focused on as we move forward in 2019. I would like to share your message with my church’s women’s ministry!

  7. Today I am a widow, New Year’s Day 2019. On July 19, 2018 my husband left this earth within ten hours of being told he had cancer. THAT WAS NOT THE HARDEST DAY OF MY LIFE…my hardest time was 1977 when GOD HIMSELF ALLOWED ME TO HAVE A DARK HOUR that lasted two years….and in reading Nahum 1:12….God told me “it” was over…AND it was…..BUT I WOULD NEVER CHOOSE TO GOTHRU THOSE HEART WRENCHING DAYS AGAIN. And, secondly to say….that unless I had gone thru that DARK HOUR….in 1977…I would not be the person I am today in 2019. Yes, God gave me scriptures and would make me just sit and soak in them…..above all…Jer. 29;11……praising God for HIS PLANS….and even His Plans for taking my husband within hours……for he and I had planned ahead for that eventuality…..Bob was ready…praise God. Two surgeons came to me after they removed the two cancers and said, “Your husband will never have another surgery.” Today, he and our younger daughter are rejoicing in heaven and I’m coming soon. 69 years married come February 3rd. No matter what…IT WAS ALL GOOD. We sing standing on the promises…..and how fabulous to truly do so. xoxo/jeb

  8. Thank you for that scripture! So many times I focus on what I can do to change things, myself or others but my efforts are in vain. It’s always the same answer, it’s only through His divine power that gives me what I need to live this life. As we walk WITH God, then His power is displayed through us. I’m so grateful. Thank you for sharing.

  9. Thank you for sharing this message of truth and hope. God’s unconditional love and grace are the source of my life! His promises are my source of strength in difficult times.

  10. Thank you very much for these encouraging words on this new year day. It is true, the more you spend time with God, the more He reveals Himself to you. As we spent time on other things this year, let us spent more time with Him through His words and through prayers, and He will make us valuable instruments in His vineyard.

  11. Thank you! These words speak to my heart; they are so true and encouraging! I pray that God will do far greater than we can ask or think, in this new year!

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