Praying with Expectancy for God’s Answer

As we were praying about continuing our ministry to refugees through English language classes, we received an email asking us to help with an English and culture class. We don’t know how the class organizers heard about us, but God clearly made the connection so more people in need of hope can hear the Good News about His love. We still meet with students from last year and have also started this new class. After the English conversation class, we study the Bible together in their heart language.

One student from a war-torn country said, “I know you are disciples and followers of Jesus. Is there any hope for me to be Jesus’ disciple?”

We affirmed that it was God’s desire that he follow Jesus. We now meet weekly for Bible study with this seeker of truth.

We celebrate God’s answers to our prayers and also reflect on His faithfulness in the past year. Last summer we were able to visit family and friends in the eastern Mediterranean. Even our visit was an answer to prayer, as the embassy opened especially for us on a Saturday and the worker who gave us our visas and passports said, “God answered your prayers!”

While visiting family and friends, we had many opportunities to pray with people and share the gospel of Jesus. God lead us to meet with a couple who had experienced many miscarriages. The wife was 30-weeks pregnant. We prayed together for their pregnancy saying, “Lord, we pray that this boy will be yours and will have life and will be like John the Baptist, a son who will be a crying voice in this family and bring them to you.”

We told them to give their son to Jesus and to call him “John,” or “Yohanna,” in their language. Two days after our prayer, the mom’s water broke. They went to the hospital, expecting the baby to die. Praise God, the baby was born in good health and they called him “Yohanna.” All the praise and glory goes to Jesus. Praying is a vital part of our relationship with God and our ministry!

PRAY for more opportunities for Samy and Eman to share God’s love with those in need of hope.



  1. Beautiful message! I’m proud to continue supporting the Navigators. Your ministry is vital, and I would feel this way even if a Nav group hadn’t led me (John) to the Lord years ago.

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