Reaching New York City One Lunch at a Time

As an employee at the New York City Housing Authority, Kenny Cox has a heart for people and sharing God’s Word. Six years ago, he started a Bible study during the lunch hour in his workplace. His study grew, and grew, and more studies started. Now, there are 10 Bibles studies meeting in this workplace, each including 10-12 participants in a multi-ethnic setting. God has multiplied Kenny’s steps of faithfulness in amazing ways.

Last year, the groups were using the Design for Discipleship studies from NavPress. One of the Bible study participants called The Navigators headquarters to find out about other ministry opportunities in New York City. Through this connection, Al Miyashita, NavCity Director, met Kenny. Since that providential phone call, Al has been getting to know Kenny’s heart and is working with him to develop his leaders.

Each of the Bible study leaders are active in their local churches with some serving as leaders, so now Navigator Church Discipleship Ministries is coming alongside them with offerings like coaching and The 2:7 Series® discipleship curriculum.

Disciples are growing in New York City workplaces, one lunch at a time.

The NYC NavCity ministry is strategically positioned to share the Gospel with those living in such an influential city.

NYC is home to …
… 20 million people, representing 1 of every 360 people on the planet.
… a financial center, with more than 1 trillion dollars traded every day.
… NBC, CBS, ABC, Wall Street Journal, and the New York Times.
… five of the nine counties with the highest number of Muslims in America.

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