Real Transformation

The Gospel vs. Programs

Discipleship changes everything. On U.S. military installations all over the world we see broken military personnel who need the hope that only comes from a relationship with Jesus Christ.* We also see airmen, sailors, marines, and soldiers ready to grow in their walk with God and serve Him.

Navs Military serves as an open door to share Christ with thousands of military personnel and their families every day through life-on-life relationships and discipleship. During these strategic years of training for war and protecting our country, our desire is to equip active-duty personnel with the skills to advance the Gospel wherever the Lord stations them (see Philippians 1:12). We strive to produce men and women with strong character and a zeal for Christ and His purposes.

We have seen programs for military personnel come and go. Yet, when the Gospel is received, that is where we see real transformation. What a privilege it is to bring true hope to the brave men and women who serve our nation.

*900 programs have been created to help post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Even with these programs, suicides continue to rise among military personnel. While there is a place for professional help, military personnel need the hope and power of Jesus Christ to fight this battle.

And that is why The Navigators are strategically positioned on 120 bases worldwide to share the hope of Jesus with soldiers.

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