Sharing the Hope of Jesus: Decades of Answered Prayer

Juanita came to Diane and Dan Travis’s home several times without knocking on the door. It was 1971 and Juanita was a pre-med student at the university in Mexico City. She had been invited by some friends to a Bible study at the Travis home, but she was conflicted about seeking God. She had many family problems and felt that God wasn’t interested in her, so she wasn’t interested in Him. Finally, the third time she came to their house, she gathered her courage and knocked on the door. 

Sharing the Hope of Jesus: Decades of Answered Prayer | The Navigators World Missions | Left to right - Diane and Juanita
Left to right – Diane and Juanita

“I saw a welcoming smile and felt peace in their home, which drew me to God,” shares Juanita.  “My own family had much conflict. That very night I decided that I wanted to follow Jesus and the first prayer I prayed was that my whole family would come to Christ.”

As Juanita continued in her medical studies and started her career as a physician, she was discipled by Diane. Juanita’s prayers for her family were answered abundantly—her parents, grandparents, cousins, brothers, and sisters all came to faith. She met her husband through the ministry of The Navigators as well. 

Diane shares her memories of Juanita, “She has the gift of evangelism and has led many people to Christ over the years. In her medical practice she openly shared the Good News of Jesus and had Bible studies with any who were interested.” Juanita would offer to pray with patients if they were open to prayer. She also showed love and care for her staff, encouraging those who were depressed or having difficulties. Several of her staff decided to follow Jesus.

After Diane and her husband moved to Argentina to serve there with The Navigators, Juanita and her family continued walking with Jesus. About 10 years ago, Diane was able to visit Juanita in Mexico City. Then last year, they reconnected through a Latin America What’s App group. Now Juanita is helping Diane lead a zoom Bible study for women in Argentina.

Recently Juanita retired and she and her husband moved to another town. She says, “I’m retired from medical work, but not from God’s work. I am praying that God will use me to help people heal from emotional wounds. My husband says that now I am a doctor of souls.” Several years ago, Juanita and her husband and daughter started praying together every morning at 6:00 a.m. Juanita and her sister pray together every night. “We have seen so many amazing answers to prayer,” Juanita says. “I am thankful that God changed my life 50 years ago and continues to use me in reaching others.”


  1. Robert, share your heart with God as you talk to Him. Tell Him you want to know Him and ask that He bring a person to guide you and a church to attend. He is faithful! He may also bring a Bible verse to your mind!

  2. Hello my name Robert Kelsey Jr. I do attend Church. But I need to learn how to Pray. Cause sometimes I don’t know what to say when I’m about to Pray. Can u give me some pointers.

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