Small Groups Huddle Up to Follow Jesus Together

Jon is a new member of my “huddle” this year. He’s been a terrific addition to the group of guys that I meet with every Wednesday night. The huddle format we’ve adopted divides our large number of students into small groups where vulnerability and accountability are much more possible. It’s been transforming our Navigator community in a powerful way.

The Power of Being Known

Here’s how small groups have impacted Jon (pictured in the black glasses and blue t-shirt with the rest of the huddle), a third year engineering major in aviation:

“My huddle has been the most beneficial area of my personal growth in college. Growing up and throughout high school, I never really developed solid relationships with Christian men. This was probably caused by a mixture of my own personal fear and a lack of men my age I could connect with. Rarely did I ever talk about my own struggles, worries, sins, or spiritual questions with anyone. Then I joined Charly’s huddle. In huddle, I’ve opened up and shared fears and secrets that I’ve kept hidden for most of my life. I never realized until this point how amazing it is to release burdens and finally share them with others. I’ve begun to understand what it means to be more fully known, and I’m finding that I’m loved. 

In our huddle we look deeper into life and our walk with Jesus. As we process life together, I find tangible ways to change and grow closer to God every day by breaking down the barriers that have been holding me back my whole life. I am so thankful for my huddle. It is too easy to become stagnant in my faith, but huddle has created an environment that allows me to grow like I never have before.”

Two of the best hours of my week are when my huddle meets on Wednesday nights. We gather at a quiet coffee shop after Large Group from 9:00-11:00. Together we process how Jesus is speaking into our lives through His Word and through individual “God Moments.” Our lives are being transformed as we learn from each other and experience God together. As the guys like to say (to sum up the familial community our huddle has become), and as Vin Diesel in Guardians of the Galaxy so aptly puts it: “We are Groot.”

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”  — Hebrews 10: 24-25 (NIV)


  1. It is a good discipleship model. After interacting with a number of young men in our current ministry, i feel i need to encourage accountability and vulnerability among young men. Thanks for sharing. I pray God enables you to continue encouraging these young people to keep these huddles even after college.

  2. Thank you for sharing your testimony. It is encouraging to see how God is using Navigator Ministries to reach tomorrows leaders.

  3. Thank you for your incredible ministry to these men, and such a blessing to ‘see’ their ministry to one another. Missed you and your precious family at Week 8 this year. God bless you!!

  4. THIS IS IT! Thanks for sharing! Thanks for serving in this way! NAVS is totally meeting the needs of so many young men at UC! It is such a great model to continue for their lives as they grow as followers of Christ!

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