Small in Stature with a Large Impact

Lalo is an indigenous Mexican, a Nahua descendant of the Aztecs, whom I met recently near Guadalajara, Mexico. As you can see from the photo he is—like many of his people—small in stature. But the spiritual impact he is having belies his physical size.

Lalo met Christ and was discipled by Navigator missionaries. He and his family continue to be part of a vital movement of the Gospel in Mexico.

Lalo currently leads a very fruitful ministry in Mexico City and supports his family as a construction worker there. Recently, however, construction work has been very hard to find in the city, so Lalo made the 250-mile trek to his home village in order to find temporary work.

One of the local Nahua workers noticed him praying one day, and asked, “Would you teach me to pray?” After agreeing to teach him, Lalo went to his new colleague’s home after work.

As Lalo related this story, I thought: Didn’t someone once ask Jesus that same question? I wonder exactly what that co-worker noticed about Lalo that prompted him to ask this question?

Arriving at his co-worker’s home, Lalo noticed a corner full of little statues, or idols. Among them was a crucifix. Lalo pointed to the crucifix and asked, “Do you know who that is?” When his new friend said that he did not, Lalo offered to tell him about the man on that cross.

As he continued telling me his story I remembered the account of Paul saying to the men of Athens, Therefore what you worship in ignorance, this I proclaim to you (Acts 17:23 NASB).

After that initial conversation with his new friend, Lalo read the Bible with his friend and his family daily. Soon, they all entered God’s Kingdom family and began telling their neighbors the Good News. Three additional neighboring families have entered God’s spiritual family so far.

Lalo has since returned to his family and ministry in Mexico City, but he continues to travel back to his home village once a month to strengthen and encourage this new movement of the Gospel.

When I think about this “small” man and the large impact he is having for the Kingdom of God, I’m reminded of the words God spoke to the prophet Samuel:

Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart (1 Samuel 16:7).


  1. Are you the Dave Lyons that went to Cal Poly and was active ib Inter Varsity? This is Dave Matthews and was there with Dave Licata and Dan Roper. I believe I was a year younger and graduated in 1968.

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