Southeast Asia – Utterly Amazed

 The Navigators

God didn’t work in the ways I expected Him to. The ministry team on our campus had different ideas than those I came with, and I finally learned to serve however I was needed, not how I thought things should be done.

Even when I was seeking to serve, it was so easy to try to accomplish things with my own effort, not relying on God at all. Then I had to deal with the frustration of seeing how ineffective my own efforts were.

God patiently taught me to rely on his Spirit and power to do the work, and to trust him to bring about an impact. Then, what an impact it was!

I’ve seen God’s work in my life, and even in the lives of my friends at school, but I was blown away to see the great work he is doing in Southeast Asia, and honored and excited to even be the smallest part of it.

I resonate with what Habakkuk must have felt when God said, “Look at the nations and watch—and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.”

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