The Impact of EDGE Corps, a Ministry of The Navigators

As a ministry of The Navigators, EDGE Corps is passionate about the Gospel of Jesus and His Kingdom and is burdened to see the Gospel transform the lives of university students.  As a result, EDGE Corps is a 1 or 2 year ministry opportunity to call out a new generation of Jesus-followers and to watch God change lives and advance His Kingdom on the college campus.

In this video you’ll hear from Bruce as he recounts his time as a student at UCLA being impacted by Jason, one of our EDGE Corps alums who still serves at that campus. Jason also reflects on the process of investing in Bruce, watching Christ transform him into a laborer for the Gospel.

“Something that excites me the most about what we do is getting to invest in college students like yourself, and then to watch you grow, and then be a laborer where God has called you to, so that you can invest in other people, who can then invest in other people, knowing that you and those people will go to places I will never go and take the Gospel to people that I will never see.”

Find out more about EDGE Corps at

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