The Topical Memory System Lite — Scripture Memory Made Even Easier

Do you feel like you have a bad memory, that you could never make Scripture memorization a part of your walk with Jesus? Now you can! Begin hiding the Word of God in your heart today with the help of the Topical Memory System Lite! What’s its secret? Simple! The TMS Lite is comprised of twelve of the shortest verses in the Bible.

The Topical Memory System Lite — Scripture Memory Made Even Easier

Scripture memory has long been a hallmark of The Navigators dating back to founder Dawson Trotman’s dedication to the practice, and now the Navs have made this spiritual discipline more approachable than ever before. Open up your heart to powerful, life-changing verses like…

  • Job 3:2 — And Job said:
  • Luke 17:32 — Remember Lot’s wife.
  • 1 Chronicles 1:25 — Eber, Peleg, Reu

As an added bonus, each of these memory verses is so short they can be posted in a single tweet on Twitter—including its topic and reference. Edifying your followers with the Word has never been easier.

Download the TMS Lite for FREE!

For a limited time you can get this great new resource absolutely free! Click here to download a PDF of the Topical Memory System Lite, formatted to fit a standard size verse pack.

Once you master the TMS Lite you’ll be ready to move on to the original Topical Memory System.


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