“Would You Teach Me?” Learning How to Share the Gospel

Passing on the gospel and faith in Christ has always been a priority for The Navigators.  However, knowing how to do this is not always natural for many students. That’s why Navigator staff personally train students. It can make a huge difference, like it did with Shane.

Would You Teach Me? Shane is a freshman at the University of Hawaii. He meets one-on-one with Navigator staff Mike Cain. One day Shane asked, “Mike, would you teach me how to share the gospel with someone?” Shane felt he lacked graciousness and clarity.

At the campus center cafeteria, Mike approached a student who was passing time between classes. “Could we talk to you about what you believe about spiritual things?” The student agreed. After a few minutes of talking, Mike asked, “What is your understanding of why Jesus came to earth?” The student did not know. So Mike shared the Bridge illustration, a common Navigator tool that explains the gospel. The student asked a few questions and wanted to take the illustration home with him. He was also open to talking again.

“That was awesome!” Shane said. “I wanted to take notes the whole time you were talking to him, but I thought that might be weird. Could you teach me that illustration?”

Shane is just one example of how Navigator students are learning to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with friends and students on campus.

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