Zambia – Let’s Get This Party Started

 The Navigators

We were up in arms. The main focus of our trip was campus ministry but there were no students. Dates for the semester had been changed and students were set to start weeks later than we anticipated. With only a few weeks left in Zambia, we were finally connected with a group at the main campus. I wondered what would happen. Would I be able to form any meaningful relationships with these students? Could I influence any students without having spent significant time with them? I didn’t know the answers, but I knew that God honors hearts that are available to Him.

One Saturday, we had a welcome party for students at main campus. While preparing for the event, I found myself shelling “ground nuts” with a student named Ngambo. As we started learning about each other, I was encouraged to find that we have a similar interest in pursuing medical missions in the future. By the time the party began, Ngambo and I not only shared basic info, we dived into a personal discussion about what God had taught us through difficult relationships. I felt God asking me to meet up with her again.

Our second encounter was incredible. For two hours straight we discussed many things – family, discipleship, prayer, relationships, evangelism, scripture memory.

As I walked back from meeting with her, I reflected on our time and my heart was full of thanksgiving. In my journal that night I wrote, “If God caused me to learn all those painful lessons just so I could share and relate to Ngambo 8,000 miles away—thank you! What a great God!” I was thankful for the friendship that God allowed us to develop so quickly.

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