Whole-Life Transformation: Never Too Late For Education
David Kordorwu (senior International Mentor for over a decade) met Peter* in barren and desert-like northern Ghana years ago, when Peter was… Continue Reading
Discipling God’s Family
When Paul and Susan Watson were intentionally invested in spiritually, it transformed their lives, and they knew they wanted to pass on what… Continue Reading
Gospel Sweet Spot
Jason Robinson’s ministry “sweet spot” is wherever athletic life happens. “For as long as I can remember, sports had been a way I … Continue Reading
Generations of Disciples Across Decades and Miles
Lou Choat and Xiao Mei share a relationship across the ocean and across years. Even though they are separated by distance, they text prayer … Continue Reading
Restoring Neighborhood Offers Hope for Community
When he started taking Bible seriously in his daily life, James Helms had a transformed perspective on life in his neighborhood.… Continue Reading
Christmas Hope: Our Inrushing Rescuer
Video Message Transcript Friends, it has been quite a year, hasn’t it? A global pandemic, surging awareness and activism in racial … Continue Reading
Joy at the Kitchen Table – Multiplying Disciplemakers
Takuya thought it would be easy to disprove the God of the Bible. Over time, he began to hope that this amazing God of the Bible did exist.… Continue Reading
A Life Transformed Over 20 Years
Pedro felt like his world was falling apart. Then, through a friendship with Armando Diaz, his heart opened to receive what God had to say.… Continue Reading
From College to Career: Disciplemaking as a Lifestyle
As Ryan transitioned from college to career, he intentionally considered how to live purposefully in his new setting. … Continue Reading
Navajo & Hopi Elder Support Project
Tom and Delphina Johnson, along with other Native Nations leaders, provided for the needs of elders on the Navajo and Hopi reservations.… Continue Reading